
Sara bareilles sittin on the dock of the bay
Sara bareilles sittin on the dock of the bay

sara bareilles sittin on the dock of the bay sara bareilles sittin on the dock of the bay

“Love Song,” her 2007 breakout, remains as catchy a pop song as the 21st century has produced, with its ideal blend of hooky coloratura and conversational lyrics. Of course, it’s her original material that had fans snapping up tickets for this solo tour in a matter of minutes, and Bareilles is no slouch in that department, either - even if her inspirational new single, “Brave,” isn’t necessarily the one you’d choose to make the best case for her songwriting chops. If the judges on The Voice or Idol can fake surprised glee as they gush over run-of-the-mill talents, you can only imagine the looks on their faces if a youthful interpreter as skilled and soulful as Bareilles were ever put in front of them. In-between, she did a mid-set cover of “( Sittin’ on the) Dock of the Bay” that brilliantly highlighted the song’s effusive lonesomeness. Bareilles kicked off the show with a medley combining her own “Love on the Rocks” with Elton John’s “Bennie and the Jets,” and closed it with a cover of “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” so spine-tingling that - blasphemous as this might seem - it might eclipse any rendering of it that Elton himself has ever done.

Sara bareilles sittin on the dock of the bay